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Well,I am going for it. My orthodontist had a chat with his senior and they came to the conclusion to offer me the option to have 3 or 4 teeth shaved instead of one extraction. He said if we went with the extraction there could be more space than needed and a gap or gaps would be elsewhere between my teeth so shaved teeth it is. Not looking forward to it though. My hygiene appointment is 22nd April then the first tooth shave on 25th. He said he wouldn't shave all the teeth at once just one then fit a band ? to close the gap then move on to the next tooth. At this stage I'm not sure how this is all going to work,but I'm on my journey begining 22nd
UKcruiser2, Congrats on making the decision. Braces and even the IPR are not such a big deal. You will get used to the hardware and the process/routines pretty quickly and you get to watch the progess as it happens. All the best, -P
Lower braces on March 11, 2015, upper braces added July 14, 2015.
Damon, metal bottom / clear top.
Braces off March 26, 2018: Total time in braces: 3 years, 2 weeks and 1 day.
Hawley retainers top and bottom.
Had my hygiene clean on Friday. Start my treatment tomorrow. Think the ortho is only shaving between two teeth at a time,he plans to shave a few overall.After the shave tomorrow I think he's fitting some kind of band so the gap created is closed first before moving on to the next teeth. I will probably know more about the procedure tomorrow.
Change of plans or I misunderstood my ortho at the last appointment. Just had todays appointment and have my top brace fitted. The ortho wanted to fit the brace first then in two weeks time he will start the IPR. No pain or discomfort yet but only been fitted an hour or so ago. The ortho said any pain or discomfort will start tonight/tomorrow.I was given a little goody bag and there was also an Oral Irrigator in the pack along with a couple of toothbrushes and a pack of wax.
Congratulations! Make sure you take pictures. You may have times when you wonder why you chose to do this; looking at pictures showing the progress you have made helps a lot at those times.
Sectional brace with Damon clear brackets fitted to front 6 upper teeth 3 January 2012
Brackets added to premolars 2 April 2012
Estimated treatment time originally 6-9 months. Brace removed on 22 July 2013 after 18 months and 19 days
Now enjoying bonded upper retainer plus part time essix/hawley( I have both)
Well,day 1 almost over. No pain really just what I'd call discomfort,maybe it will get worse. I tired using my regular electric toothbrush this morning,big mistake it was like being hit in the teeth with a hammer. A bit frightened of cleaning now that I have the brace in case I dislodge a bracket but suppose it will come as I get used to the brace.
First week of having a top brace over. No pain,no rubbing on the inside of the lip,things are well just now. Another week then my first follow up/adjustments.
Had my first check after 2 weeks with my top brace. No adjustments yet,he just wanted to check that nothing had came loose or broken and that I was cleaning everything properly. He added a small band between 2 of the back teeth as that part of the wire was under more tension. 4 weeks to first adjustment and IPR to create more space.
Just had my first adjustment at 6 weeks.I had IPR done between 2 of my teeth felt no pain or discomfort at all. The Ortho put a couple of power chains on. At 6 weeks I'm already noticing gaps appearing in places I had no gap.
Hi Cruiser! I am almost 58 (in August) and got my braces in Feb too. I just got powerchains last Wednesday and like you, I am getting gaps where there were none. However, they told me this would happen.
I had 4 teeth pulled (2 upper and 2 lower) prior to the bracing. WHen they put the chains on last week they told me that my canines would be moving back into those spaces and not to be alarmed if I see new gaps because those are for my front teeth to be able to move later.
Don't know your dental details but that made me feel better about things.
I read somewhere that once you get braces your teeth are actually constantly shifting. I keep that in mind as I find my bite changing just about every week!
Hang in there!! We are all going to be FABULOUS looking when we get to the other side of this journey!!
Hi LisainTX.
The main reason for my top brace is to correct the midline shift of my two front teeth. The gap that has appeared is to the side of the front tooth that needs to be moved to centre so all looks on track and heading in the right direction.
Now at 14 weeks in. Just had another adjustment with yet another stronger wire fitted and six power chains. Only problem is one of my back teeth is causing me a little pain but this could be an underlying problem and nothing to do with the brace.