When will it get easier to eat?

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When will it get easier to eat?

#1 Post by guilder68 »

I'm on day 5 of new ceramic braces on my uppers. Eating is still so difficult! It really hurts. It's gotten so I almost dread having to eat. It is not comfortable. Is this what I have to look forward to for the next 30 months? Or does it come and go with adjustments, etc.
My 15 yo son, in metal braces, doesn't seem to have any trouble eating lol. He thinks I'm a wimp haha!

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Re: When will it get easier to eat?

#2 Post by Tyrantblade »

Yes it gets easier, much easier; to the point where braces aren't really a problem.

Just give it a few more days.
Lots of crimes here

1. The upper molars bite too far ahead of the lower molars

2. Missing teeth #s 9, 14, and, 29

3. Open bite

4. Upper midline left of center

5. Lower midline right of center

6. Upper and lower teeth not straight

Sentence - 24 months, turned to 27 month.

Braces removed since 11/06/17


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Re: When will it get easier to eat?

#3 Post by jaime »

It will quickly get to a point where you forget you have braces. I rarely think about my braces when I eat, unless I'm out in public!
SARPE: December 19, 2013
Expander out/TPA in: May 13th, 2014
Upper and lower braces: May 21, 2014
Lefort I + BSSO + sliding genioplasty: June 11, 2015
Braces off: November 28th, 2016!!!
Braces on again, upper and lower: September 3, 2024

My ArchWired thread (last updated November 29th, 2016)

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Re: When will it get easier to eat?

#4 Post by BrunetteMoment »

I'm wondering this also!! I have a bite block, so until my teeth move into position enough where my upper teeth aren't hitting my bottom braces, it's liquid food for me!

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Re: When will it get easier to eat?

#5 Post by Jeska0113 »

I have a quadro helix inn my mouth, and i was able to eat after like3weeks ! Ive lost10 pounds from then

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Re: When will it get easier to eat?

#6 Post by KatieMiller »

Day 5 was my turning point. That is the last day that I hurt too bad to eat.

You're right on the cusp... I promise it will be better from here on out! P.s. Mashed potatoes were my best friend during "the first 5" :)
Adult with Ceramic Brackets, Natural colored bands, and metal wire. Phase 2 after having them as a child. Started on May 3rd, 2016. Estimated completion April/May 2017


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Re: When will it get easier to eat?

#7 Post by DivineMsM »

I only have ceramic on the top 8 and metal on the bottom eight. Eating is still difficult for me, and I can't stand when the upper and lower accidentally touch. I've been using the back teeth mostly....hope it gets better for you.

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