power chains good lord the pain

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power chains good lord the pain

#1 Post by 32withbraces »

i went for my 8th adjustment today and all went well...My teeth are almost straight...i got a bracket on my top very last tooth..i got a power chain on the bottom..it is causing some major pressure,i tried meatloaf tonight but cant chew it..i think i will take an advil and a heating pad to bed tonight...my next adjustment is feb 15th
wisdom teeth out july 29/08
braced may 26/ 09
os consult june 8/09
sentence 18 to 24 months
jaw surgery nov 2010
2nd adjustment ~~july 28th 2009 @ 10am
3rd adjustment sept 14th @ 11.30

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#2 Post by MrMetalMouth1029 »

I know the pain! The power chain hurt more than getting braced itself. I remember trying to eat the next day, not knowing that the pain would be unbearable. I was almost in tears! Be easy on your teeth for a few more days. Within a week, you should be able to eat everything you ate before the power chain was applied. Advil is your best friend right now! Good luck!
Braced (upper and lower): 10/29/08
Debraced: 3/17/10
Now sportin' a permanent bottom retainer
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#3 Post by TumbleDryLow »

Know what's worse then one powerchain? Two. I got two chains put on my top arch (one right on top the other) at my last adjustment. Good god it felt like someone had punched me in the mouth. Seriously some of the worst braces related pain of the last 2 years. Three days later I was pain free and totally back to normal. So hang in there--you'll be fine in a day or two.

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#4 Post by kas289 »

I feel your pain...I've been in upper and lower power chains since July 09, and they hurt more and more with each adjustment...last time the ortho swore they wouldn't hurt. 'Just a little tightening of what you've already had' he said...Okayyyy...It didn't hurt too much until I tried to eat lunch the next day. It took over 45 minutes to eat a bowl of soup due to pain in opening my mouth; immediately after I left work early due to the resultant headache.

As much as I hate to admit it, the power chains have won :evil: ...I'm conceding defeat and will be taking off from work the day after future adjustments...

Rachel B
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#5 Post by Rachel B »

I can totally relate.
On Friday I had my first powerchain on top.
Yikes, on Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday they KILLED! They are still quite sore now but on the plus side. I alreay have at least a mm of wire poking out the back of each side so my gaps are obviously closing quickly.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

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#6 Post by blindboarder2008 »

oh yes i remember getting powerchains for the first time. take a bit of time to get used to and get rid of the nasty pain but they really do the job well!!! hehehe yaz advil should be your best friend right now!!! try to drink lots as well so you don't get dehydrated if you can!
Braced: March 19th 2008
Impacted wisdom teeth extraction surgery: June 20th 2008 1pm (13 hours of fasting)
Jaw surgery (upper and lower)Lefort 1 with Madable Advancement: June 2nd 2009 @8am!!!! 1 surgery down 2 surgeries to go!!
debrace day: jan 18th 2010!!!! *has 2 fixed retainers and an essix retainer for night time now!

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#7 Post by sdawdy »

TumbleDryLow wrote:Know what's worse then one powerchain? Two. I got two chains put on my top arch (one right on top the other) at my last adjustment. Good god it felt like someone had punched me in the mouth. Seriously some of the worst braces related pain of the last 2 years. Three days later I was pain free and totally back to normal. So hang in there--you'll be fine in a day or two.
I so totally know the pain...i had the double powerchains for about the last 3-6 months of treatment....but boy did they close up gaps that way!!! Hang tight it will get better :)

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#8 Post by gokix »

Yes, it sucks but it gets the job done. I had power chains on both my upper and lower for the last two months. Now I only have them on my lowers. It definitely HURTS, but give it a few days. No pain, no gain!

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#9 Post by nuttynat »

what are power chains used for?
8/Jan/10 Wired up, but no place to go
4/May/10 Full upper & lower brackets put on

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#10 Post by 32withbraces »

im feeling much better, they are used for closing gaps between the teeth
wisdom teeth out july 29/08
braced may 26/ 09
os consult june 8/09
sentence 18 to 24 months
jaw surgery nov 2010
2nd adjustment ~~july 28th 2009 @ 10am
3rd adjustment sept 14th @ 11.30

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Re: power chains good lord the pain

#11 Post by Colinkelly06 »

I got my power chains yesterday oh god its worse than having an Iv put in my arm Advil is my best friend right now

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Re: power chains good lord the pain

#12 Post by Aler58 »

I am beginning to dread it when I have to get power chains..........

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Re: power chains good lord the pain

#13 Post by JiggyTzu »

[quote=Aler58 post_id=501725 time=1524599882 user_id=31698]
I am beginning to dread it when I have to get power chains..........

Me, too! So far, I haven't had any pain at all for the first 6 weeks. I have a bad feeling. Lol

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Re: power chains good lord the pain -- and a primer

#14 Post by djspeece »

SinkFullofDinner once again demonstrated a mastery of the language as well as a terrific sense of humor with this thread: https://www.archwired.com/phpbb2/viewt ... 0#p489230 which deserves to be recycled for the "new generation" of the braced.

Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional. -- Buddist saying

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