should i do it?
Moderator: bbsadmin
should i do it?
ive been sooo self concious of my smile 4ages-should iget braces i just wonder if the heartache is worth it!
Heartache getting braces? Braces are a good thing, not something you should be heartbroken over (after all, they are optional).
There really is only one question you need to ask yourself; do you want your smile to be the same as it is now 5 years from now? 5 years will go by regardless of braces (you should be long out of braces by 5 years btw), so will you be looking back at your braces saying it was worth it or looking back saying you wish you had done it?
I never regretting having braces for a minute.
There really is only one question you need to ask yourself; do you want your smile to be the same as it is now 5 years from now? 5 years will go by regardless of braces (you should be long out of braces by 5 years btw), so will you be looking back at your braces saying it was worth it or looking back saying you wish you had done it?
I never regretting having braces for a minute.
I think that braces are definitely worth it! I haven't seen a lot of movement yet but I know that in the end I will have an amazing smile that will last forever! I got so sick of everyone pointing out how yucky my teeth were!
The pain and annoyance is only temporary but your beautful smile is everlasting!
Good luck!

Good luck!

There is no heartache with braces. A little discomfort, but very little. The only regret I have is I should have done it a long time ago. Better late than never. The only problem is food getting stuck in them. I just wish more people would notice them. Go ahead and get your mouth metalized, you will not be sorry Good luck , Bret 

Get the braces!
Get the braces!!! Like everyone else, my only regret is not doing it sooner and living needlessly with my ugly teeth and appearance for all my teenage/adult life. I will go as far to say that my whole life changed now my teeth are straighter - when my teeth were horribly crooked, I simply wasn't treated well by others. I was also teased by other adults, and had a hard time going anywhere in a career. Now my teeth are straighter (have only about five or six more months in braces!) I can tell people treat me far better. I have a good job for the 1st time in my life. And I am not ashamed anymore and probably had a tad of self-esteem for the 1st time ever! 
I hate to say it, but "what's on the outside" is what counts - people do judge you by your looks, and who wants to spend their lives looking poorly if they don't have to? If you look bad, most people won't give you a chance. And why be a "have not" when you can join the "haves"? Get your teeth fixed and you will love the result!

I hate to say it, but "what's on the outside" is what counts - people do judge you by your looks, and who wants to spend their lives looking poorly if they don't have to? If you look bad, most people won't give you a chance. And why be a "have not" when you can join the "haves"? Get your teeth fixed and you will love the result!

Debanded in May, 2006! Total sentence: Three years and two months. Now in hawleys which make me gag! Before braces, I had dracula fangs in their own rows, and everything else was crooked, crowded, with a cross-bite, too!
thanks evry1-when ye ut it like that it sounds like id be stupid to not consider it-just gotta wait till my wisdom teeth r pulled,then ill see how my jaw isdoin/....ah! 
just lookin thru all your posts and lookin at your tickers-i am soooo envious of you all with your-xmonths x wks etc in braces!I would just really love to be able to get them and know that each day is a day closer to that smile ive alwyas wanted!I'd just love to be able to say-right i did itnow all i have t do is sit back and let the braces do their thing!sigh.....seems such a long way off...gotta wait at least a week till after my op2get referred 2an ortho,then ill prob b waitin till after Christmas for my initial consultation and even longer toill treatment starts!sigggghhh!

just lookin thru all your posts and lookin at your tickers-i am soooo envious of you all with your-xmonths x wks etc in braces!I would just really love to be able to get them and know that each day is a day closer to that smile ive alwyas wanted!I'd just love to be able to say-right i did itnow all i have t do is sit back and let the braces do their thing!sigh.....seems such a long way off...gotta wait at least a week till after my op2get referred 2an ortho,then ill prob b waitin till after Christmas for my initial consultation and even longer toill treatment starts!sigggghhh!