Bite plate

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Bite plate

#1 Post by Littlemiss18 »

So I’ve had my bit plate for just over 9 months now and I find it to be really good before I had 100% over bit and now when the bite plate comes out so I can brush my teeth or just get the wires changed I can definitely notice a complete change but now I’ve got my bottom braces on and I’ve had them on for about 5-6 months which I’ve been fine with till the other night when I turned 18 and when to the club and had a good few drinks after that all I wanted to do was chew gum and I even ended up grinding and biting down a little to much on the bite plate so now I have a tooth mark and so visible grinding marks is there anything I could chew on when I go to them club so I grind my teeth and not ruin my plate

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Re: Bite plate

#2 Post by Beth89 »

That's a common story among some of the patients who are crazy about gum chewing. Some of my patients love to chew gum and they tell me stories similar to yours. Even though they were warned to use the bite plate only when they sleep and at other times to use the device that would keep their jaw open, despite this, they end up chewing gum. I don't know why they do it. Maybe they think that they can chew gum with the bite plate on. But in reality, they cannot do that. Some people find that their bite plate doesn't really fit in their mouth, so they end up chewing gum, thinking that this is normal. But trust me, it's not normal. I have my patients use a device called C-Bridge. It's a device that keeps your jaw open. It's very hard for you to chew gum with it on. You can get one for yourself, if you want. It will help you protect your braces and teeth from being damaged.

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