In 5-6 months time I will get surgered from Bimaxilar/Orthognatic Surgery in order to solve my maxilar Retrognathia (Class II) and sleep apnea.
@Ercmicwil I am so sorry to hear abour about your complications... How was your return to work? I hope you feel much better now and that everything is back to its course now...
@HarryGray, it happens something very similar to me, and I have been able to breath better since the moment I woke up from the anesthesia. I feel like an increase in my air flow... And yesterday I walked about 5km, in a pretty fast pace, and it has been the first time (I can recall) I have been able to do so or work out with my mouth shut.
But I fell the same. When I go to bed it keeps difficult to breath with my mouth shut. I hope DJS will help with that... But I will keep practising.
I am in my 32nd turn with the expander (I am only giving 1 turn a day), and I still notice that my cheekbones are slightly more prominent... But the hole is starting to get smaller by its own. But I won't have my invisalign back on until 3-4weeks (I am not wearing braces but invisalign during all this process... however they may include some wires in strategic areas or teeth, in case my orthodontist needs so...)
Since the second, third week I have started to chew a little bit more... and last week I started to chew soft meat and chips!!
I feel a little bit of numbness behind my upper lip. And it was't until the third-fourth week that I didn't start recovering my energy levels. I WAS REAAAALLY TIRED! And I tend to be hyper-active...

One thing I am pretty worried is about work (even though I know it is not the most important, and health goes first). I went back to work after 2 weeks of sickness absence but, as I wasn't at my 100% (my position is as marketer, businness developer/commercial & results oriented profile) they told me to recover as it also affects my speech and the way I speak.
Did this happen to you? Any of you who depends on your speech for work and achieving results?
With the expander in my palate I speak weird and people don't understand some words I say... When did you get better at speaking?