Hi guys!!!!! I have braces now!!!

Everything went really well. It was painless and the assistant who put them on was so nice and told me about everything she was doing. As soon as she was done I went to the mirror to take a look and kept thinking 'this is so weird, this feels so weird, omg I finally have braces, EEKK I can't believe I have braces!'
My fiance came to pick me up after my appt. and I had the biggest smile on my face when I saw him! He kept saying how proud he is of me, and how cute I look. He definetly makes this whole process SO much easier, jeez I love that guy. He leaned in to give me a kiss and it was the weirdest kiss ever. I couldn't pucker my lips over my braces. Guess I am gonna need practice!
After a few hours my front teeth started to hurt so I popped some advil and pain was gone. But if I bumped my teeth together accidently, man oh man that hurt!
I am still struggling on how to 'smile'. Its easy to go into a smile, but when I am done smiling(lips start to relax), my upper lip gets stuck on the top of my braces. I hope no one notices!
Eating was difficult.. I felt like a baby trying to eat, or drink anything. I got an orange julius right after and it was hard to pucker my lips over my braces to suck out of the straw. My back molars don't touch together so I have been eating soft foods. But thankfully I'm not starving yet!
I got home from the city at around 9 at night, and I kept popping advil every 4 hours so I didn't really have any pain. Just a lot of pressure... It sure did hurt to brush my front teeth though. I couldn't even believe that my soft tooth brush would hurt my teeth like that.
Was anyone else nervous to sleep that night? I woke up at around 4 with some pain so I popped some more advil, my new bestfriend.
When I woke up this morning my teeth didnt hurt at all. And it is now 10 am and they still don't hurt. It kinda worries me.. I want the pain! I want my teeth to move! Shouldn't I be in pain? I just feel lots of pressure. I guess it does hurt if I touch my front teeth with my tongue but no pain when relaxed.
So here is a pic of my new, expensive smile

Thanks for reading!
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