I have exactly one week from today til I'm
getting braced up for the 2nd time, weeee.
Just to recap, i'm 19 and I had braces when
I was 12-15... and my ortho screwed up somewhat
and took them off too early, ladeeda, my teeth
shifted back... I'd tell you what's wrong w/ them
but the pictures will say it all!! They're not AS
bad as before, but they're pretty dang narrrrr-sty!

Here's the dealeo kay?

Uppers : iBraces
Lowers: Normal metal
Estimated treatment time: 18 months
1.) Did you lose any weight after getting the iBraces? I've heard that eating is a pain after getting them... if you lost weight, how much and in what amount of time? I'm at 128..ish lbs, and I want to be 120 or less! Just lemme know!
2.) Food recommendations? Lemme know!
3.) Scale of one to ten, how was the pain? Be honest people!
4.) What color should my first ligs be for the bottom row? Throw out some suggestions, i'd loooove to hear 'em!
Before Pictures


Hope it wasn't too painful. I hate my teeth.

Anyway, i LOOOOVE feedback, so post what you think!
and any additional tips would be great!
a week is so close but so far.... i can feeeel them!!
Love always,