CaliforniaKid wrote:doesn't seem like lfs, but there is no front shot so it's hard to make an honest non-doctor assessment lol. there are some posters with a good eye for profiles at jawsurgeryforums (in my signature). i don't see any jaw issues that could be corrected with surgery. you have a strong profile and solid ramus as far as i can tell. i do some spacing in your lower teeth, has your ortho addressed that yet? or is that just the resolution of the photos?
if you do end up getting surgery, and i don't know why because i can't see anything (but no doctors here, get a consult), realize that your braces treatment will likely make you look worse and exaggerate your bite in order for the surgery to happen. teeth have to be in a certain way to manipulate the jaw and align the bite, and pre-surgery braces treatment for me was like reverse braces.
oh thanks! I will check out jawsurgeryforums and ask for opinions!
yes i do have a spacing in my lower teeth (caused by hereditary absence of lower incisors and I only have 12 teeth on bottom arch), and 1 extraction gap on my upper arch. my orthodontist is trying to close up the gap but currently from how I see, my overjet looks pretty bad and my overbite might be exaggerated with braces because the power chain is pushing my lower arch in
really thank you so much! after what you have just said, I figured I don't really need the surgery. maybe I only need to give more time for braces to fix everything
BellaBraces wrote:I don't understand what you think is wrong with your profile.
I can't quite point a finger at what is wrong with my profile but I know there is something weird about my profile face! something got to do with the angle of my teeth maybe? i'm not sure if its just overjet or combination of overjet AND overbite, but my lower lip seems to protrude out a bit too much

my philtrum (the area between the nose and upper lip) is also kind of protruding out. i'm not sure what is causing this, i always thought i have excess mandibular